
You can take a look at some of the personal projects I’ve worked on below.


For the past few months, I’ve enjoyed making browser extensions as an easy way to personalize people’s experiences on the web and eliminate distractions. These browser extensions are free to use, do not include ads, and prioritize privacy. To help me continue this work, feel free to make a donation. Here are a few of my favorites below. You can view all of my browser extensions via Github.

Hide Amazon Cart

github | chrome web store

This Chrome browser extension hides the Amazon cart sidebar that appears when there’s at least one item in a user’s shopping cart. I created this extension to improve privacy for users and to eliminate a dark pattern designed to encourage users to shop more.

Hide LinkedIn Applicants

github | chrome web store

This Chrome browser extension hides the applicant count for jobs on LinkedIn. I decided to create it because I noticed how this number increased anxiety for some jobseekers and even discouraged some people from applying for roles on LinkedIn; however, the number itself isn’t entirely accurate. Still, there’s no option within LinkedIn to hide it, so this browser extension allows users to decide for themselves whether or not they’d like to see this information.

Better Youtube Search


I noticed that Youtube search had become a bit cluttered and found it personally harder to find the results for which I was looking. As a result, I created this Chrome extension that hides some of the newer sections that appear on Youtube search such as shorts, suggested results, etc.

No LinkedIn News

github | chrome web store

I created this Chrome extension to hide the LinkedIn news widget and each individual news story. The news headlines seemed particularly discouraging and not favorable to employees, so I hope that this extension makes the user experience on LinkedIn more positive.

No Airbnb Split Stays

github | chrome web store

The split stay option on Airbnb was introduced in 2022 – it shows users multiple stays available for a set period of time instead of just one. However, there’s currently no way to disable it for users who may not be interested in this option, so I created this extension so users could choose whether or not they wanted to see these stays.

Hide LinkedIn Ads

github | chrome web store

This Chrome browser extension hides ads in the newsfeed on LinkedIn. I created this extension by utilizing the :has() and :not() CSS pseudo-classes.

hide linkedin collab articles


This Chrome browser extension uses the :has() CSS pseudo-class to hide collaborative articles that appear in the feed on the home page. I decided to build it because I wasn’t interested in seeing this content, but there’s no way to opt out of it. I was also concerned about the relationship between user-generated content and AI. It felt like the site was encouraging experts to write articles for which they receive little credit as opposed to writing their own content.


loc collective

github | site

I created this site while I was a student at a coding bootcamp and have updated it a few times since then. It makes it easier to find a loctician in the United States who specializes in various loc styles and techniques for black clientele. It can be difficult to find a loctician when moving to a new city or state, so I built this site to ease this process for people with locs. Recently I updated the site to be responsive using media queries.