all things web + ux + tech

  • how to port an mv3 chrome extension to firefox

    how to port an mv3 chrome extension to firefox

    Last year, I created my first Chrome extension (No Linkedin News). I always intended to port my extensions to Firefox but found that Firefox didn’t offer much support for Manifest V3 (MV3) at the time. Since Google Chrome is moving forward with plans to deprecate Manifest V2 extensions this year, I wanted to take the…

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  • best tools for staying organized as a software consultant

    best tools for staying organized as a software consultant

    Sometimes developers interested in software consulting will reach out to me for advice. When we meet and I explain the process of working through a specific project, I can usually see their eyes widen with shock, fear, surprise, you name it. “I could never do that!” they’ll say. There are a myriad of reasons –…

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  • adventures in freelancing: freelancer to software consultant

    adventures in freelancing: freelancer to software consultant

    Want more articles on software consulting delivered straight to your inbox? Subscribe today! For the past year and a half, I’ve referred to myself alternately as a freelancer and sometimes as a business owner. I’ve attended meetups for small business owners and previously found that freelancing felt unique enough that identifying as a freelancer and…

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  • hello world turing podcast: freelancing with december garnet-smith

    hello world turing podcast: freelancing with december garnet-smith

    Recently, I had the pleasure of being a guest on the Hello Turing World podcast hosted by Bailey Diveley and Jeannie Evans as part of their Career Pathways series, which highlights non-traditional careers for software developers. I had a great time discussing some of the mindset shifts I needed to make as part of the…

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  • learning python as a javascript dev: the why’s

    learning python as a javascript dev: the why’s

    Recently I’ve started learning Python, and I wanted to take some time to document my experience doing so as a developer with a background in JavaScript. The perfect place to start seemed to be answering the question “why?” I decided to learn another programming language to deepen my knowledge of data structures and algorithms (DSA).…

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  • adventures in freelancing: the biggest downside of freelancing

    adventures in freelancing: the biggest downside of freelancing

    Lately, especially with the recent wave of tech layoffs, I’ve seen more people express an interest in freelancing. A lot of software developers have begun reaching out to me excited to start their freelance journey. While it’s great to see more people exploring options beyond traditional employment, it’s important to recognize that the grass is…

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